Great for now! worries

  • 大切な記念日を 忘れてた…!

    I forgot about an important anniversary!

  • 手紙を出しに行く 時間がない!

    I don't have time to send a letter!

  • サプライズを 演出したい!

    I want to create a surprise!

If it's Grika...


Just 5 minutes to complete!
No need for mailing or printing
Make it anytime you want!

オンラインで完結するから さっと作ってすぐに送れて 急なサプライズの準備にも◎ Because it's all online, create quickly and send right away, perfect for sudden surprises!

Gurica's Features feature

point 1

Completed online!
Sendable via smartphone

After completion, simply send the URL & recipients can open the URL! No installation or membership registration required. ※Can be created/played on PC※ Membership registration is required for sender's use.

    WEBで完結! スマホで送れる
point 2

Rich production with animation & BGM

We have created a new type of greeting experience using digital mechanisms such as animation and BGM to offer playful effects similar to a pop-up greeting card.

  • The gift box opens and a message pops out

  • Book pages flip open and a message pops out

  • The cake spins and a message pops out

  • Messages pops out along with conveyor of sushi

point 3

Choose your favorite message style!

You can choose your preferred style to send a message. Whether it's text, images, or even methods like videos or voice messages, it's all acceptable! Because it's your preferred style, emotions are conveyed accurately even digitally ♡

好きなメッセージの 方法を選べる!
point 4

Rich design and message stickers

We provide a wide variety of design templates that suit various situations. We're continuously adding new templates and stickers every month!

  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide
  • item nav slide

You're sure to find the perfect design for the person you're sending it to!

Regarding Fees price

You can create a greeting card for just 1.98$ (incl. tax). The Gurica created can be viewed online for up to a year. Also, if you record the screen as a video, you can keep the video data even after the viewing period expires.

Digital greeting cards that can be sent via smartphones


Fee 1.98$(Tax Included)

⭕️Cover with Photo Insertion
⭕️Text Message
⭕️Image Upload
⭕️Voice Messages
⭕️Video messages
⭕️Every sticker
🎀No Credit Mention


誕生日・ お祝いに!
推し活・ 応援に!
New Year's!
結婚・出産 祝いに!


qr top
Moving! A smartphone-based collaborative
writing & greeting service
yoseka to gurica
どんなシチュエーションでも使える! 新感覚デジタルグリーティングカードです

Usable in any situation!It's a new sense of digital greeting card
